共发表SCI/EI论文50余篇,以第一作者(通讯作者)发表SCI/EI发表论文33篇,其中中科院一区TOP期刊论文15篇,ESI高被引文章1篇,Editor's Pick论文1篇,均发表在跨海工程顶级期刊《Marine Structures》、《Ocean Engineering》、《Applied Ocean Research》; 土木工程及桥梁工程顶级期刊《Automation in Construction》、《Journal of Bridge Engineering》、《Advance in Structural Engineering》、《土木工程学报》、《西南交通大学学报》。担任《Ocean Engineering》、《Journal of Bridge Engineering》、《Advance in Structural Engineering》等国际期刊审稿人。
【寄语】 努力比天赋更重要,希望读研三年后的你成为更好的自己。愿乘风破浪,砥砺前行。
【联系方式】 电话:13032872858、邮箱:bohuang@cqjtu.edu.cn
2024 年
(1)Ding, H., Huang, B*., Cheng, L., Li, K., Ren, Q., 2024. Hydrodynamic experiment of submerged floating tunnel under regular wave and current actions during construction period. Marine Structures(中科院一区SCI)93, 103508.
(2)Huang, B., Luo, W*(罗文珑, 2023级博士研究生)., Chen, Y*., Zhou, J., Ding, H., Li, K., Cheng, L., Zhong, D., 2024. Coupled dynamic analysis for wave action on a tension leg-type submerged floating tunnel in the frequency domain. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)296, 116934.
(3)Hou, J(侯杰, 2022级硕士研究生)., Huang, B*., Chen, P(陈鹏, 2023级硕士研究生)., Ding, H., Zhou, J., Li, K., Cheng, L., Ren Q., Zhong, D., 2024. Analysis of the dynamic response of submerged floating tunnels to wave-induced loads, incorporating joint mechanical properties. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)297, 117079.
(4)Xiong, L., Wang, M(汪曼秋, 2023级硕士研究生)., Mao, J., Huang, B*., 2024. A review of building carbon emission accounting methods under low-carbon building background. Buildings(中科院三区SCI)14(3), 777.
(5)Tang, Y(唐尧,2021级硕士研究生)., Huang, B*., Wang, S., Zhou, J., Xiang, Z., Sheng, C., He, C., Wang, H., Ruan, L., 2024. Computer vision-based real-time continuous monitoring of the pose for large-span bridge cable lifting structures. Automation in Construction(中科院一区SCI)162, 105383.
(6)Mao, J., Yuan, H(袁浩, 2023级硕士研究生)., Xiong, L., Huang, B*., 2024. Research review of green building rating system under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Buildings(中科院三区SCI)14(5), 1257.
(7)Chen, M(陈明林, 2023级博士研究生)., Huang, B*., Cui, C(崔珵, 2023级硕士研究生)., Xue, Z(薛泽辰, 2022级硕士研究生)., Yang, Z., Xiao Y., Zhu, B., 2024. Coastal bridges with a box-girder superstructure under the action of solitary waves: Study on the optimization of bearings, dynamic characteristics and failure mechanism. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)308, 118316.
(8)Huang, B., Chen, P(陈鹏, 2023级硕士研究生)., Yang, Z*., Zhou, J., Ren Q., Zhu, B., 2024. Experimental study of dynamic response of the box-girder coastal bridge under the regular wave actions with considering the wave-structure coupling. Applied Ocean Research(中科院一区SCI)150, 104112.
(9)杨志莹, 祝兵,黄博*, 张跃志, 殷瑞涛. 海啸作用下跨海桥梁上部结构流-固耦合数值研究. 工程力学(EI)2024, 41(09): 111-122.
2023 年
(1)Huang, B., Hou, J(侯杰, 2022级硕士研究生)., Yang, Z*., Zhou, J., Ren Q., Zhu, B., 2023. Influences of the pile-restrained floating breakwater on extreme wave forces of coastal bridge with box-girder superstructure under the action of two-dimensional focused waves. Applied Ocean Research(中科院二区SCI)134, 103508.
(2) Wang, S., Liu, S., Xiang, C., Li, M., Yang, Z*., Huang, B*., 2023. Prediction of Wave Forces on the Box-Girder Superstructure of the Offshore Bridge with the Influence of Floating Breakwater. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering(中科院二区SCI)11, 1326.
(3)Yang, Z., Zhu, B., Huang, B*., Hou, J(侯杰, 2022级硕士研究生)., Zhang, Y., Li, L(李琳, 2022级硕士研究生)., 2023. Numerical study on the behaviors of coastal bridges with box girder under the action of extreme waves. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)286, 115683.
(4) Chen, M(陈明林, 2023级博士研究生)., Huang, B*., Yang, Z., Liao, L., Zhou, J., Ren Q., Zhu, B., 2023. Study on the mechanical characteristics and failure mechanism of the coastal bridge with a box-girder superstructure under the action of breaking solitary waves. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)287, 115834.
(5)黄博, 唐尧(2021级硕士研究生), 杨志莹*, 祝兵, 屈建强. 极端波浪作用下跨海箱形桥梁上部结构流固耦合特性研究. 振动与冲击(EI)2023, 42(17): 210-219.
(6) Li, L(李琳, 2022级硕士研究生)., Huang, B*., Qian, S., Yang, Z., Zhou, J., Ren Q., Zhu, B., 2023. Study on the impact of the perforated floating breakwater on coastal bridgewith box-girder superstructure under two-dimensional focused waves. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)290, 116379.
2022 年
(1) Wang, F(王方, 2020级硕士研究生)., Li, K*., Huang, B., Cheng, L., Ding, H*., 2022. Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Submerged Floating Tunnels under Regular Wave Conditions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering(中科院三区SCI)10(11), 1623.
(2) Chen, M(陈明林, 2021级硕士研究生)., Huang, B., Yang, Z*., Ren Q., Zhu, B., 2022. The Influence of Lateral Restraining Stiffness on the Box-Girder Superstructure under Unbroken Solitary Waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering(中科院三区SCI)10(8), 1019.
(3)魏魁, 张彤(2018级本科生),黄博*.基于势流理论的跨海桥箱梁斜向波浪荷载作用研究.桥梁建设, 2022, 52(03): 90-97.
(4) Yang, Z., Ding, H., Li, K., Cheng, L., Huang, B*., Ren Q., 2022. Experimental Investigation of Wave-Induced Forces on a Large Quasi-Elliptical Cylinder during Extreme Events. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering(中科院三区SCI)10(4), 540.
(5)Huang, B., Luo, W(罗文珑, 2020级硕士研究生)., Ren, Q*., Cui, X., Zhang, J., Zhu, B., 2022. Random wave forces on the submerged box-girder superstructure of coastal bridges based on potential flow theory. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)248, 110739.
(6)Ding, H., Huang, B*., Cheng, L., Li, K., Ren, Q., 2022. Wave forces and wave run-up on a truncated rectangular column based on the hydrodynamic experiment. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)246, 110607.
(7)Huang, B*., Liao, L(廖黎明, 2021级硕士研究生)., Ren, Q., Cui, X., Zhang, J., Zhu, B., 2022. Fragility analysis of the box-girder coastal bridge with different connections subjected to extreme random waves. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)245, 110580.
(8)Luo, W(罗文珑, 2020级硕士研究生)., Huang, B*., Tang, Y(唐尧, 2021级硕士研究生)., Ding, H., Li, K., Ren, Q., 2022. Numerical simulation of dynamic response of submerged floating tunnel under regular wave conditions. Shock and Vibration(中科院四区SCI)2022.(2022年7月、9月连续入选ESI高被引论文)、
2021 年
(1) Han, J., Zhu, B*., Lu, B., Ding, H., Li, K., Cheng, L., Huang, B., 2021. The influence of incident angles and length-diameter ratios on the round-ended cylinder under regular wave action. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)240, 109980.
(2)Yang, Z., Huang, B., Kang, A., Zhu, B*., Han, J., Yin, R., Li, X., 2021. Experimental study on the solitary wave-current interaction and the combined forces on a vertical cylinder. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)236, 109569.
(3)Yang, Z., Huang, B., Zhu, B*., Zhang, J., Kang, A., 2021. Comparative Study of Tsunami-Like Wave-Induced Forces on Medium-Scale Models of Box Girder and T-Girder Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering(中科院二区SCI)26(2), 04020125.
(4)崔晓璐*, 黄博, 陈光雄. 抑制轮轨摩擦自激振动的扣件结构多参数拟合研究. 西南交通大学学报(EI)2021, 56(1), 68-74.
(5)杨志莹, 黄博, 段伦良, 张家玮, 祝兵*. 极端波浪作用下 T 梁与箱梁受力研究. 西南交通大学学报(EI)2021, 56(1), 12-19.
(6)Huang, B., Ren, Q., Cui, X., Wan, T., Zhang, C., Zhu, B*., Ding, H., 2021. Wave characteristics and spectrum for Pingtan Strait Bridge location. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)219, 108367.
2020 年
(1) Huang, B., Ren, Q., Cui, X., Zhang, C., Zhu, B., 2020. Study of wave forces acting on the box-girder superstructure of coastal bridges in the submerged condition based on potential flow theory. Advance in Bridge Engineering(邀稿,桥梁领域国内创办英文期刊)2020, 1-6.
(2)Cui, X*., Huang, B., Du, Z., Yang, H., Jiang, G., 2020. Study on the Mechanism of the Abnormal Phenomenon of Rail Corrugation in the Curve Interval of a Mountain City Metro. Tribology Transactions(中科院三区SCI)63(6), 996-1007.
(3)祝兵, 黄博*, 康啊真, 张家玮. 跨海桥梁上部结构极端波浪(流)作用2019年度研究进展. 土木与环境工程学报(CSCD)2020, 42(5), 106-114.
(4)Zhang, J., Zhu, B*., Kang, A., Yin, R., Li, X., Huang, B., 2020. Experimental and numerical investigation of wave-current forces on coastal bridge superstructures with box girders. Advances in Structural Engineering(中科院四区SCI)23(7), 1438-1453.
2019 年
(1)Huang, B., Yang, Z., Zhu, B*., Zhang, J., Kang, A., Pan, L., 2019. Vulnerability assessment of coastal bridge superstructure with box girder under solitary wave forces through experimental study. Ocean Engineering(中科院一区SCI)189, 106337.
(2)Huang, B., Duan, L., Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Kang, A., Zhu, B*., 2019. Tsunami forces on a coastal bridge deck with a box girder. Journal of Bridge Engineering(中科院三区SCI)24(9), 04019091.
(3)Yang, W*., Yan, R., Suo, Y., Zhang, G., Huang, B., 2019. Experimental study on hysteretic behavior of the overlapped k-joints with concrete filled in chord. Applied Sciences(中科院四区SCI)9(7): 1456.
(4)Tan, Y., Zhu, B., Yan, T., Huang, B., Wang, X., Yang, W., Huang B*., 2019. Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of the steel-concrete joints in a composite truss bridge. Applied Sciences(中科院四区SCI)9(5), 854.
2018 年
(1)Huang, B., Zhu, B., Cui, S*., Duan, L., Cai, Z., 2018. Influence of Current velocity on wave-current forces on coastal bridge decks with box girders. journal of Bridge Engineering(中科院四区SCI)23(12), 04018092.
(2)黄博, 段伦良, 祝兵*. 三维波浪作用下钢吊箱围堰下放过程受力研究. 西南交通大学学报(EI)2018, 53(3): 525-532.
(3)Cui, S., Liu, P., Cui, E., Su, J., Huang, B*., 2018. Experimental study on mechanical property and pore structure of concrete for shotcrete use in a hot-dry environment of high geothermal tunnels. Construction and Building Materials(中科院一区SCI)173, 124-135.
(4)Huang, B., Zhu, B., Cui, S*., Duan, L., Zhang, J., 2018. Experimental and numerical modelling of wave forces on coastal bridge superstructures with box girders, Part I: Regular waves. Ocean Engineering(中科院二区SCI)149, 53-77.
2017 年
(1)张家玮, 祝兵*, 康啊真, 黄博. 跨海桥梁箱梁结构受波浪力作用试验研究. 土木工程学报(EI)2017, 50(12): 80-86.
(2)宋随弟, 黄博, 祝兵*, 陈克坚. 预应力PBL剪力键的承载能力试验研究. 西南交通大学学报(EI)2017, 52(4): 647-654.
(3)段伦良, 张启博, 黄博*, 祝兵. 极端波浪荷载作用下近海桥梁下方海床瞬态液化稳定性研究. 西南交通大学学报(EI)2017, 38(7): 2113-2118.